Fields In Criminal Justice

There are many areas and fields that use Psychologist on an everyday basis. Some of the Jobs other than social studies of civilian are located in the field of Criminal Justice. Many psychological evaluations and experiments are located in the criminal justice field.  The criminal Justice agencies need qualified Psychologists to help them in the criminal justice field. Let us begin by exploring some of the jobs that exist in each area of criminal justice Law Enforcement, Courts, and Corrections.  

Law Enforcement

The Psychologist plays an important role in the law enforcement area of Criminal Justice. They evaluate criminals to find out what their state of mind is at the time. This evaluation may lead to a capture because the criminal could possibly have mental disorders that are to be evaluated and attended to on a regular basses. If a criminal leaves a ransom note, you can tell if they are in distress by the type of handwriting that the criminal displays on the note. Psychological disorders such as mental disorders could prohibit the capacity of learning of the criminal. They may not understand that their actions are reckless, dangerous and go against the civil grain of society, such as people that are members of gangs. According to Gross and Magaletta
Another Law Enforcement Job that Psychologists do is to evaluate Police officers. Psychologist evaluates Police Officers to recommend them for the Police Force every day. A Police Officer should have many different qualities that are common among the Police Department some of such qualities include being incorruptible, well adjusted, people oriented, free of emotional reaction, and logical according to Green, Edie / Heilbrun, Kirk / Fortune, William H. / Nietzel, Michael T. / (2010). Psychologist performs interviews that evaluate the stature of Police Officers and the way they respond to their surroundings. Personal interviews, Observations, and physical tests all provide good information for the Police Force to make a hiring decision. Structured interviews provide the Psychologist with a sense of reliability and the validity of their information whether resume or report from the Police Academy. All information that is obtained by the Psychologist is reviewed and later written into a record  identifying why the Police Department should hire the applicant or why they should not hire the applicant. Green, Edie / Heilbrun, Kirk / Fortune, William H. / Nietzel, Michael T. / (2010). Psychologist performs interviews that evaluate the stature of Police Officers and the way they respond to their stress.

Evaluation of Witnesses

The Psychologist evaluates witnesses that are brought to court for extraneous reasons. They are called upon to evaluate the sanity of a witness that is brought to trial whether by the prosecution or defense. Problems such as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) are common issues that the physiologist should test for during interviews and assessments. Whether or not the witness is suffering from depression or any other mental barrier that may affect their competency during trial is a decision that the psychologists needs to make known. Psychologist are also used to identify cases of witnesses  that have health and mental problem that excludes them from being able to testify in trail such as  a witness clamming to identify another person but the witness has  bad eyesight and is unable to confidently identify the suspect. The witness could have a number of problems with their ranging from glaucoma, color blind, and blindness that could affect the prosecutions ruling during the court trial. Is the witness a sociopathic liar some one that can be trusted is this disorder built in to their personality or social being.  These are some of the way that a psychologist can be used during trail.
In the case of child abuse the psychologists needs to be able to evaluate whether are not there are grounds for a case. When a Psychologist evaluates a victim of child abuse they must perform a series of questions that eliminate the accusation of false testimony. After evaluating the child’s situation, the recommendation for relocating the child is the next step to evaluating child abuse. Psychologists perform a number of tests on the child parents and witnesses that give them information such as emotional state, mental problems and physical wellness. This information will eventually present the courts with a recommendation, Psychology Information Online.Child custody is another area that a Psychologist may be found helpful in.  Families that go through divorce may need a mediator to examine the best solution for the child during the divorce process. In most cases, the Psychologist will offer emotional support to the parents that  are obligated to be fair and equal litigation for child support. The parents are e evaluated by a psychologist for a psychological problem that may hinder their parenting decisions Franklin, Donald PhD, (2010).   


Counseling is a major area of psychology, the different types of counseling such as suicide assessment, improving individual skills, and group skills. Drugs, abuse, crisis intervention, and the rehabilitation of sex offenders all play a role in the psychologist work field of the prison and correctional systems.  Other areas of corrections involve the assessment of institutionalized inmates. This involves a number of correctional studies that implement the evaluation of the inmates work environment, how the inmates react to their punishments and how to treat inmates for social and psychological problems. Evaluation of the adaptation inmates have to their environment and how they react to other inmates absolutely improves the success rate of the overall correctional system. Thomas and Jones (Sept 1999)

Much like a doctor is needed to fix physical problems with the body a psychologist is needed to fix problems with the brain. There is a need for testers, analyzers, and assessors for studies in the psychological field. Many areas in Criminal justice have to have on staff psychologists in order to operate.

Job Description Of An Latent Print Examiner

 A  Latent Print Examiner has to be able to analyze, and identify latent evidence. Must be able to research information and report on given situations such as homicide, burglary, accident, and murder cases.  They also must be self reliant able to complete complex tasks with little to no difficulty.  The Expert Latent Print Examiner must provide Expert Testimony having excellent Print Analyst skills. The Latent Print Examiner needs to be able to examine all fingerprints including blood prints, plastic prints, and impression prints, they have to be proficient with the use of a lab and have chemical mixture experience. The Latent Print Examiner must be able to understand the Criminal Justice System and be able to stand trial as an Expert Witness.

Lee, Henry C. and Gaensslen R.E. (2001) Advances in Fingerprint Technology Second Edition
Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) (2010 ) Job Descriptions and Pay, Latent Print Examiner  from
First Response Officer

The First Officer to respond is responsible for checking victims for life signs, getting the injured to safety and dispatching EMS. They should record the exact time of arrival and notify the police command that they are at the crime scene. The First Officer to respond should enter the scene using one path of entry making sure to preserve the crime scene without contaminating evidence.
Next they are to check if anybody is still on the scene that may endanger them or others that are located in the general vicinity. A search of the area is preformed for any suspect that may be at large. Isolate the witnesses and suspects and remove any on lookers from the area.  Write down the weather conditions. Call into heads quarters for additional units. Take notations of the crime scene, description of the area, place of residency, address, block, and land mark information, describe the crime scene in short hand while keeping details clear and concise.
The job of the First Responding Officer extends to advising witnesses of their rights and not to talk to medical personnel about crime scene events avoiding distortion of testimony from witnesses, victims or suspects. Listen to what the witnesses, victims or suspects have to say. Many times they will lead you to a list of possible testimonies that could be valuable to the case.
Medical services are important to the crime scene. If medical personnel have to be dispatched when they arrive you want to get primary information from them such as hospital or station that they were dispatched from, other information needed are badge numbers names of personnel;  lead them to the crime scene keeping the integrity of the crime scene making sure that all evidence is preserved and not contaminated. Keep the suspects, witnesses and victims separated when questioned and when medical attention is needed.
The First Officer on the scene has to at all time secure the area from dangers such as fire and chemical contamination, other dangers that may distort the crime scene such as aggressive people, shooting, and weapons.  Check all path ways doors windows entrances and exits. Set up three tiered area with barriers that allows for all divisions to be divided by their importance to the case. Secure the area making sure that nothing is altered at the crime.  Placing barriers around the area starting with the immediate crime area and working out ward with three tiers next is the second tier made for non immediate personnel but may still record the crime scene third tier mostly security that keeps outsiders away from the area making sure that the area is not ransacked by people that do not belong there.
Note what time and date that the officers arrived on scene, allow for other Officers to arrive before leaving the crime scene. The first Officer on the scene must be capable of explaining the crime scene to other Officers and personnel, they must know what happened, who the victims are, who the witnesses are and what suspects have been ascertained. This knowledge of  the crime scene will allow investigators to question suspects and witnesses immediately after conferencing the First Officer. On arrival of the crime scene investigators, hand over any paperwork, list of suspects, witnesses, victims, tell the Investigative Team what you as an Officer have done to preserve and document the crime scene. Explain events and time frames to the Investigative Team. The First Officer on the scene should be able to recognize the weapon or weapons left on the crime scene and identify persons on the scene by first and last name.   
As described in this paper you can see that the job of the First Response Officer is an important one that has to deal with delicate and expedient work to preserve all evident on the crime scene without an aspiration of contamination.   The First Response Officer is in control of the crime scene until other personnel arrive, they alone have to be able to make important impromptu discussions that could possibly change the trail case for better or worst.       


Duties Of the Probation Officer

A Probation Officer seems to be an employment with very heavy responsibilities not only do you have to have good communication skills, but you have to do investigations on Probationers. Keeping in touch with the Probationer and making sure they are doing what is expected of them is a large task. To be a Probation Officer you also have to have some kind of psychology degree or classes, this enables the Probation Officer the ability to do evaluations on the Probationer.

Probationary Jobs 

Probation is a very important part of the judicial system. It gives people a second chance, rather than spending their allotted time in jail they are able to be let out on good behavior terms. In working with programs for example New York states probation program they can help the Probationer further acknowledge their problem and solve issues in the person’s life.

What they offer:

All allotted programs are from the following Rockland NY Probation web page.

ATI (Alternatives to Incarceration) The focus of this program is to offer pre-trial assessments of incarcerated defendants’ likelihood of appearance at future court dates. These findings are reported to the courts to assist in decisions of bail reduction or Release on Recognizance. Supervision services are available to this population when required by the court. 

DAS (Designated Assessment Services) This collaborative service is coordinated by our agency and consists of representatives from Mental Health, Social Services, Youth Bureau, Volunteer Counseling Services, Mental Health Association, police, BOCES, parents and local schools. By developing, implementing and monitoring a comprehensive early intervention and intensive treatment plan PINS youth are diverted from Family Court involvement. 

PINS Services are provided to youth through age 18 through the DAS collaborative. Intensive Case Management services are offered to these youth and their families by the Department of Social Services, diverting them from Probation and /or Family Court intervention unless needed.

JISP (Juvenile Intensive Supervision Program) This State-funded program for adjudicated juvenile delinquents charged with serious offenses allows us to focus on reducing the number of costly out-of-home placements of such youth by providing strict supervision, control and essential services to meet their needs while remaining in the community.

JAIP (Juvenile Accountablity Program) This State-funded program allows us to provide accountability services as an enhancement to our usual programs. The JAIP officer monitors accountability and assists youth and families in areas of substance abuse, restitution, community service work, curfew compliance and school attendance. 

JJ/MH (Juvenile Justice/Mental Health) This State-funded program provides officers the ability to refer youth to Mental Health services at intake. The Child Psychologist is available to juvenile officers for consulting, expedition of assessment services and follow-up.

ISP (Intensive Supervision Program) This State-funded program allows us to establish specialized caseloads with limited numbers of adult convicted and prison-bound felons. These offenders are provided with maximum supervision and close monitoring while remaining in the community. 

SOS ( Sex Offender Services) This team is responsible for the pre-sentence investigation of those convicted of sex related crimes. They supervise those placed on probation, assess their risk to the community, provide information to facilitate the Court’s classification of offenders for the State Sex Offender Registry and develop a supervision plan to reduce risk to the community. They coordinate with other law enforcement agencies in surveillance of sex offenders residing in Rockland County. They collaborate and co-lead groups with Mental Health professionals to provide sex offender specific treatment with the goal of greater community protection.

DVP (Domestic Violence Program) This officer is responsible for the pre-sentence investigation of those convicted of domestic violence related offenses and the supervision of those placed on probation.  Probationers are provided with maximum supervision and monitoring of court orders. The Officer co-leads Domestic Violence Classes with Volunteer Counseling Services. Protection and sensitivity to the needs of victims is a priority.
I have found that each state has a different set of programs that can help Probationers reinstate themselves into society. These state programs offered by the Probation officer help the Probationers by giving them classes that keep them from relapsing to their old ways.

Forensic Odontologist 

Forensic Odontology is the study of teeth to find useful information out about the victim or suspect   of a crime. Some of the helpful uses of Odontology include Identification of unknown suspect or victim, age of thee person, comparison of a person’s bit marks that has been bitten, and comparison of bit marks from food.
Bit marks should be photographed first then casts are made. The food materials that leave the best bit impressions include gum, soft candy, chocolate, and fruit.
An Odonologist must be a doctor in the field of Dentistry, be able to identify minute differences in teeth, and have the ability to take and read X-rays.

Hunter Ian (2010) The Thin Blue Line, Forensic, Odontology from

Pretty, IAN Dr. (2010) All About Forensic Science Forensic Odontology from

IAI Latent Print Investigator 

In order to work for the IAI as a Latent Print Examiner you must have a Latent Print Certification. They have many benefits that are associated with their group. It helps to become a group member before working for the International Association for Identification.

Job Description for Latent Print Examiner

 A  Latent Print Examiner has to be able to analyze, and identify latent evidence. Must be able to research information and report on given situations such as homicide, burglary, accident, and murder cases.  They also must be self reliant able to complete complex tasks with little to no difficulty.  The Expert Latent Print Examiner must provide Expert Testimony having excellent Print Analyst skills. The Latent Print Examiner needs to be able to examine all fingerprints including blood prints, plastic prints, and impression prints, they have to be proficient with the use of a lab and have chemical mixture experience. The Latent Print Examiner must be able to understand the Criminal Justice System and be able to stand trial as an Expert Witness.

Lee, Henry C. and Gaensslen R.E. (2001) Advances in Fingerprint Technology Second Edition
Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) (2010 ) Job Descriptions and Pay, Latent Print Examiner  from

Latent Print Examiner Continued 

Some of the work responsibilities for a Latent Print  Examiner  also include being able to find latent prints using a number of devices such as Ultraviolet  Imaging Systems, Heated Fuming Cabinets, Superglue Fuming systems. Being able to inspect the crime scene and finding hidden prints that may be from suspect and or victim. Experience with using Alternative Lighting Systems with fluorescent powder may make the Latent Print Examiner Job easier. Also being associated with AFAS system and Latent Print enhancing systems will help the Print Examiner distinguish prints identifying whether they are   of value to the case.


Saferstien Richard (2007) Pearson Prentice and Hall Criminalistics An Introduction to Forensics Science  Ninth Edition 

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